A recent trip to Whitby produced a second straight OMHA title for the Essex South Point U13 team. ESP won the A championship going 5-0 and beating Centre Wellington Fusion 6-2 in the gold medal game. Their season record currently sits at 64-4-2.

"We played double-A tournaments and we're an A team and we did really well winning three out of the four." said head coach Tony Youssef. "It was a good experience for the kids playing up in double-A. It gave us a good challenge."

ESP now has their sights on hosting the OHF championship tournament in Leamington April 21-23rd. Aside from the games Youssef says there will be a lot going on that weekend including an opportunity for hockey fans to see some of the most celebrated NHL trophies courtesy of the Hockey Hall Of Fame. Hometown favourite Jody Raffoul is scheduled to perform as well.
For Youssef, coaching ESP has been a great experience. He won an all-ontario Junior C title in Belle River in 1995 before closing out his career with the Wheatley Sharks. He is having fun sharing his experience and watching the kids succeed. "I feel as a coach I've had some great coaches and I take a little from everybody and try to find that happy median with the kids. It's super exciting."
The ESP U11 team also won the OMHA title.
