Sandwich Secondary grad Karlie Moore helps us launch a new feature on our website called Letters Home. Karlie took a moment to tell us how she's doing at the University of Nebraska. During her time as a Sandwich Sabre the stand out track and field athlete set many records from 2016-2019.

Here's her letter home.
"As a 400m hurdler, attending a university stateside was important to reaching my full potential as an athlete, as a full outdoor track & field season is part of athletic university programs, as opposed to Canada which only has an indoor season. I visited a number of schools but fell in love with Nebraska from the moment I arrived to the time I accepted my offer at the end of my official visit. The athletic facilities, coaches, team, staff, campus, and academic programs were the perfect match for me and outshone anything I had experienced during any of my other visits. Now halfway through my second year, my experience as a student-athlete has already helped me make lifelong friends, allowed me the ability to travel across the country, train with the top-notch equipment, facilities and coaches, as well as thrive and grow as a student in Journalism and Mass Communications and Vocal Performance. I am proud to be a Cornhusker and wouldn’t trade this opportunity or experience for anything! GO BIG RED!"